Five Criteria for Choosing Your Next E-Commerce Delivery Partner

Everyone wants a delivery partner that delivers goods on time, in undamaged condition, to the right location.

Too often, though, wanting is not getting. Shipments are delayed leaving the warehouse, merchandise is damaged somewhere in transit, and consumers end up checking their neighbors to track down wayward cartons.

Wouldn’t it be great if delivery partners would take pains to achieve a high level of customer satisfaction?

Some are doing just that. There are proven ways to slash costs and bolster service. Veho is reaching out to share the secrets to lower costs and higher satisfaction:

How can delivery partners ensure maximum consumer satisfaction? (Hint: There are ways to proactively engage with delivery recipients, so problems are identified and solved before they appear).

What steps can delivery partners take to mitigate any post-delivery customer dissatisfaction? (Hint: Delivery partners can step in to reduce the pressure on brand customer service departments from calls about missing or inoperable merchandise).

How can delivery partners scale their operations to better meet brand requirements? (Hint: Small and mid-sized shippers can avoid the costs incurred by larger companies if delivery partners are flexible in certain areas).

Can irritating and costly surprise surcharges be eliminated? (Hint: Charges for such things as fuel and delivery areas might be as disposable as they are familiar).

Get the latest thinking about leading-edge practices that can bolster your bottom line and provide pass-along savings to your brands.

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