Canadian Customs: What U.S. Exporters Need to Know to Keep Things Moving

Find out what U.S. businesses should know about the Canadian customs process before shipping products to the border.

Thinking about expanding to Canada? There’s never been a better time. With supply chains coming back to life, retailers looking to replenish store shelves, and consumers pushing e-commerce sales to new levels, Canada is wide open and an ideal market for U.S. businesses. As U.S. businesses look north to Canada though, one glaring obstacle stands in the way – the Canadian customs process.

Customs clearance is an unavoidable part of exporting to Canada. But with a good understanding of the process, it can be a hassle-free, seamless experience. Our new white paper, “Canadian Customs: What U.S. Exporters Need to Know to Keep Shipments Moving” provides an overview of key Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) requirements, and explains how certain customs processes work.

Our paper helps explain the process. Topics discussed in our white paper include:

  • CBSA checklist of required steps.
  • Top reasons for mistakes.
  • The “new NAFTA” — USMCA.
  • Choosing the correct terms of service.
  • Canadian logistics expertise.

Canadian Customs: What U.S. Exporters Need to Know to Keep Things Moving is a useful resource for familiarizing yourself with the Canadian customs process.

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